Black days in the orange match, crisis in Fuerza Popular [CRÓNICA] | Politics


While Keiko Fujimori was listening to the presentation of Attorney General José Domingo Pérez in the National Criminal Chamber this afternoon, two letters were broadcast, one of the members of Congress from Fuerza Popular Rolando Reátegui; and another of José Chlimper, who until now was secretary general and former vice-presidential candidate of this party.

The documents had an opposite tone, although both appealed to the same value: loyalty. While Reátegui claimed that in his political group "party loyalty was confused with impunity" and that "loyalty was broken by the leader", Chlimper told his leader that he would remain "as a loyal and disciplined disciplined activist." the commitment intact "and that since 2014, when he started the army in Fujimori, he has" worked with loyalty and commitment. "

The end of the letters was also different.The San Martin legislator indicated that he would bear the cost of his political mistakes within the party and the judiciary; that is, that He will not give in. Meanwhile, Chlimper has confirmed his resignation at the General Secretariat of Fuerza Popular .

In the case of the former secretary general of his party , Keiko Fujimori's response was not long, to come. "With total and absolute gratitude for their unconditional support in the most transcendent moments, we accept the resignation of Pepe Chlimper. […] Thank you for supporting me in this decision and for launching a new stage! Our love for Peru guarantees that I will continue to count on you! "

At the end of this note, the former candidate did not comment on the letter." Reátegui sent him or about the questions he had formulated against her and her group. [19659006OnSundayinaninterviewwiththeprogram"PuntoFinal" Fujimori confirmed that his relations with Reátegui are not exactly at its best.

"About two weeks ago, I was had no contact with him. When I was illegally detained, several members of Congress came to greet me, he is not one of those members of Congress, "he said.

-Days complex-
A few minutes later, also on social networks, made public letters from Reátegui and Chlimper, still spokesperson for Fuerza Popular Úrsula Letona, announced that they had accepted the resignation of retired colonel EP, Walter Jibaja, former head of security of the Congress of the Republic, who retired He had been reengaged by his party "for his" expertise "in defense, internal order and intelligence."

When he was chief of security, Jibaja had been questioned for aggravating opponents and journalists by Twitter, by chance .. the most used communication channel by Fuerza Popular in the last days

All this occurs hangs as the Orange Party began a restructuring phase

Tonight, Keiko Fujimori announced that at this stage of transition, the functions of the CEN and the party's political committee would be managed by an emergency committee chaired by legislator Miguel Torres, in turn, the under-secretary general of Fuerza Popular . "Its members will also serve as spokespersons."

As part of the general restructuring of our party, an emergency committee was appointed to chair the deputy Miguel Ángel Torres, in his capacity as Assistant Secretary-General. from FP.
Due to the restructuring, the Political Committee is deactivated. (1/2)

– Keiko Fujimori (@KeikoFujimori) 25 October 2018

On the other hand, Tuesday, the usual meeting of the bancada could not be held because the delegates went to their region for the week of representation.

Rosa Bartra, of Trujillo, told El Comercio : "I have no complaints about work [de Úrsula Letona, Karina Beteta y Alejandra Aramayo como voceras]. [los cambios] It will take time."

He also felt that it was not necessary that the members of the Administrative Council of the European Parliament – all Fuerza Popular – apply for a license to the audience, as [19459005didDanielSalaverry.

"Parliament must play politics and we have come in representing political parties, and making politics to bring a country to its development does not become an obstacle of any kind, especially when Parliament is the the country's first political forum, "concluded the parliamentarian.

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