Blind French concludes the challenge of crossing the Salar de Uyuni to raise public awareness of disability


Albar Tessier completed a 140-kilometer trek in six days along the Salar de Uyuni to raise awareness of the achievements of people with disabilities.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism reported that Pbadage ended at 3:00 pm today. Born in Nantes, the French citizen left Tuesday morning Llica, guided by a GPS auditory and with a sleigh on wheels where he stored food and other items.

Tessier arrived in Playa Blanca, Potosí, where a delegation integrated by representatives of tourist operators and regional authorities received him under applause, with flags of Bolivia and France waving in the vast desert salt.

Depending on the time used in the 140-kilometer route between Llica and Playa Blanca, market more than 23 kilometers per day. National and international media, especially from France, accompanied the walk that the professor of Nantes made until he accomplished his feat.

  • Tessier on his arrival at Playa Blanca. Photo: Min Cultures and Tourism

According to the logistics team that supported the adventure, Friday the 20th was the most difficult day of the trek, because of the falling snow, the intense wind and the cold. Tessier and the organizers themselves. His mobile phone and the satellite tracking and communication system were damaged, but other teams were able to continue his journey.

The walk showed the world that people with disabilities are also able to take up challenges and have the opportunity to support the French organization Hasta Donde Alcance la Vista, Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCyT ) and the tourist operator Alma Turismo

After finishing his adventure, Tessier decides to go first to Sucre then to Potosí. Next Monday 30 will be in the city of La Paz to give a press conference, it was reported. (23/07/2018)

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