Blizzard denies the planned Diablo 4 announcement for Blizzcon


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Controversies and rumors around Blizzard continue. However, it turns out that the alleged revelation of the expected game Diablo IV was not withdrawn from the opening ceremony of the BlizzCon 2018 at the last moment. A few hours after Kotaku announced that an advertisement had been removed from the presentation, Blizzard had responded that the presentation of the sequel to the game was not in BlizzCon's plans.

"First of all, we want to mention that we really listen to our community, and we do not usually comment on rumors or speculation, but we can say that we have not received any announcement from of the BlizzCon this year, and that we have not anticipated any other announcements, "Blizzard said in a statement. "We continue to have different teams working on several Diablo projects that we have not announced yet, and we hope to present them at the right time."

This seems to confirm that Blizzard is not sure of being able to formally announce Diablo IV ] although we already know that it is in development. According to Kotaku, the company reportedly created a video message with studio co-founder Allen Adham, in which he told fans that Diablo IV was not available at the moment, but was under development. If this video really exists and if it will ever be presented, it remains to be seen.

While it's not surprising that Blizzard did not reveal the long-awaited sequel to the BlizzCon, a video presentation would likely have eased much of the controversy its new mobile proposal, Diablo Immortal unveiled at the opening ceremony of the BlizzCon over the weekend.

Once the presentation was over, mixed reactions began to emerge. Immediate If you followed this saga, you know that Immortal Diablo received a ton of counter-attacks, including very negative reactions on YouTube, and even public tributes that attended the show. event and questions about whether mobile gaming was an April Fool's Day joke.

For our part and despite the controversy, we were able to try the game and enjoyed our stay with Diablo Immortal at BlizzCon. While you are still waiting for the inevitable revelation of Diablo IV read our exclusive interview with Adham, the co-founder of Blizzard, where he revealed more details and badured that Blizzard has not forgotten fans of this franchise. .

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