Blizzcon 2018 | The website of Diablo 4 is already active


At the conference of Diablo in the Blizzcon 2018 the great revelation of the next game of this long franchise of hack and slash was made, but unfortunately it was not ] Devil 4 because all the fans were waiting without a video game for cell phones called Diablo: Immortal.

A visit on will be a big surprise

Disappointed and maybe desperate by news of Diablo 4 Resetera video game forum users have discovered on the internet that the page existed and had content. The surprise was great when they discovered that had been redirected to the main page of the video game Path of Exile strongly inspired by the Diablo saga and adding many of its own characteristics.

This is a very unorthodox strategy and some internet users even call it unprofessional. whatever it may be, we have a page from Diablo 4 even if it leads us directly to the contest.

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