Blumel contacted opposition parliamentarians after criticism


The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency (Segpres), Gonzalo Blumel contacted the Senators of the former New Majority on Friday to meet them next week.

In the middle of a week marked by cross-statements between the opposition and the ruling party, where even President Sebastián Piñera called the opposition who accused the government of "legislative drought" ". The executive called them to "work", which caused a great deal of discomfort in the PS and CD sectors, reports La Tercera.

The Secretary of State called, among others, Francisco Huenchumilla (DC), Jaime Quintana (PPD) and José Miguel Insulza ( PS). According to the media, in the area there are those who recognize that the head of state has put Blumel in a complex situation, because it is the leader of Segpres who has the responsibility to maintain good relations at Parliament. Others, on the other hand, have dropped the profile.

According to the opposition, the Minister " did not interact with them " and Blumel became "white" from the legislative drought. In fact, they point out that he does not hold meetings with senators and that there is no greater dialogue with the head of Segpres on the key commissions.

Huenchumilla argues for his part that " all these dimes and sayings that we have had these days.I think they have a cause.I think that someone in La Moneda does not It seems to me that after 90 days, Minister Blumel must put the pile . "

Finally, the Segpers declare that they have made a horizon tour of ongoing projects and that they ensure that several initiatives are put on the table. "that before they were not, among them the portonazos , the fishing law and migrations.

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