Bolivia: There are 500 blood transfusions per day


Page Siete / La Paz

The Minister of Health, Rodolfo Rocabado, reported yesterday that 500 blood transfusions are performed in the country per day. The announcement was made yesterday in the delivery of the Manual Manual of Operating Procedures of Immunohematological Techniques.

"Blood is the life and for the health staff it is essential to have an adequate standard, on average 500 transfusions a day, that is to say between 15,000 and 20,000 are reached per month, "said the head of the state's portfolio.

The manual aims to ensure safe and accessible blood transfusion. The authority maintained that it would become an official tool of the National Blood Services Network, which provides general guidelines established in eight chapters.

Rocabado also reported that a standard immunohematological operational process will be performed (blood-compatibility pre-transfusion tests) for the 17 blood banks and 95 transfusion departments.

"We not only perform blood transfusions, but also plasma and platelets, we solve various contagious problems with coagulopathies, so the work that takes place in the national blood system is important," he said. -he says.

Representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Fernando Leanes, said that Bolivia is a reference for voluntary blood donation. "I want to congratulate the whole country for donating blood because it has one of the highest percentages of voluntary blood transfusions," he added.

The National Blood System is constituted by the Department of Health

According to protocols, donated blood is subject to biological qualification checks called immunoserology and immunohematology.

Immunoserological tests can detect different types of viruses. diseases such as hepatitis B, HIV, hepatitis C, Chagas disease and syphilis.

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