Bolsonaro promises to defend democracy and freedom after winning the elections in Brazil


In response to a claim for a return to "order" in a country plagued by corruption, economic crisis and insecurity, the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro won a comfortable victory in the Brazilian presidential election yesterday with the 55% of the vote, against 45% of his rival, the leftist Fernando Haddad.

At 7 pm, as in Chile, the results were known and Ro de Janeiro, the former MP's electoral stronghold, became a party. The fireworks mixed with the honors in favor of Bolsonaro makes the maravilhosa cidade seem to celebrate a world or New Year's victory. Under the cries of "the outside of the PT" and the "myth of Gan" , thousands of people dressed in yellow-green clothes and carrying flags of Brazil demonstrated in front of the Vivendas da Barra condominium, in Barra da Tijuca, where the former army chief Madame, her daughter and her beautiful girl. "We are in ecstasy, we have gone through so much violence and corruption and now the change of truth is announcing, our captain will finally make our country better," said Paula Freitas (32), lawyer, with a mask on the face. hands with the face of the elected president

"We must get used to the truth, there is no other way if we want peace and prosperity in Brazil, the people have the right to know what is going on in the country, people have fully understood this message and have chosen, "said the Social Liberal Party (PSL) candidate, accompanied by his wife Michele, in social media, in his first public statement after his triumph.

The elected president, who did not participate in the second round of debate and whose campaign is mainly based on social networks, criticized "the big press" for allegedly saying "absurd lies" to his subject and stated that Brazil could not continue "to flirt with socialism, communism, populism and leftist extremism."

Bolsonaro also committed to "follow the teachings of God next to the Brazilian Constitution, inspiring us the greatest leaders in the world ". The ex-deputy said that he had "all the conditions" to place Brazil "in a prime position": "We have everything to be a great nation, we have conditions of governability and all our commitments will be fulfilled (…) we will change together, destiny of Brazil, we know where we are going and where we want to go, thank you very much for your confidence. "

The candidate then joined the president of his PSL, Gustavo Bebianno , MP Helio Barbosa, his children Eduardo and Flvio (both members of Congress), and his entourage about to pray with an evangelical pastor. At the end of the prayer, the president-elect delivered his first official speech to the nation, marked by his commitment to democracy, a fundamental principle of freedom and inclusion.

"The laws are for everyone", our government is constitutional We will cut with bureaucracy and privileges, we will break the paradigm, we will allow citizens to enjoy freedom, "said the l 39, former chief of the army, much criticized for his open defense, alongside several members of his military dictatorship who ruled the country between 1964 and 1985.

Aware that these elections were extremely polarized and that different positions on bad, race and social clbad prevailed, Bolsonaro pointed out that "there are no South Brazilians" or the north, we are all one nation, democratic

According to the Higher Electoral Tribunal, the northern and northeastern regions of the country supported Haddad, while the center, the south-east and the south or the PSL candidate.

"The Myth" also devoted much of his speech to the economy and to young people. "They have gone through a period of uncertainty and stagnation, I promise that it will change and we will reign with our eyes on future generations," he added.

million. Bolsonaro is then launched in concrete projects. He said the reduction in the size of the federal government and that there would be "less Brasilia (headquarters of the executive) and more Brazil" under his mandate. He also promised that he would make the necessary reforms to fight the country's tax grab and that it would create "a virtuous circle characterized by a reduction in the deficit, the public debt and rates of interest." interest". He added that Brazil would seek bilateral relations with developed countries and that Itamaraty (the foreign minister) "was moving away from their old alliances", in a guide of diplomatic relations of PT governments with Bolivarian countries.

greater promises, supposed to pacify Brazil, which recorded in 2017 more than 63,000 homicides. Bolsonaro defends to end disarmament policy and deliver arms to "citizens of the good" so that they can "protect themselves from bandits". When he went to vote at Villa Militar de Ro, the former MP wore a bulletproof vest.

"We are a great country and we are now going to transform it into a great, free, democratic and (…) Brazil at the top of everything, God above all," he concluded with his slogan the country.

With his election and that of his friend in the formula, General Hamilton Mouro, the military again has power in Brazil. this time democratically. The results also showed a clear rejection of the PT, which lost its first presidential election in 16 years.

After Bolsonaro's statements, Haddad gave a speech accompanied by his family, the PT president, Gleisi Hoffmann, his companion. the Communist Manuela D 'vila and the former presidential candidate, the Socialist Guilherme Boulos. The candidate repeated the motto of his opponent stating that "democracy is first and foremost". "I want to thank those who are with us, most of them have another Brazilian project in mind, we are going through a period during which the institutions are put to the test, but we always keep head high, "he said.

He stated that the 45 million voters who supported him "deserve respect". In just two weeks from the first round, Haddad was able to narrow his gap by 17 percentage points with Bolsonaro to 10 points. provocations or threats, "he said.Along with the national anthem, the academician said that" a teacher does not run away from the fight "and that he would give his life to defend democracy.

Rodrigo Tavares, an badyst at the Getlio Vargas Foundation, told "El Mercurio" "that the elections again showed" Brazil's shortcomings in economic, racial, social and geographical terms ". "Bolsonaro has mainly supported the highest clbades, concerned about the need to carry out structural reforms in the country to preserve their heritage, conservative groups in customs, more educated people, frustrated by the political system, considered corrupt and, to a lesser extent, radical authoritarian groups, it is now necessary to see if this country is able to save the harmony of the country, as promised, "said the expert.

"We will respect the Constitution, we will make a government that places Brazil in a dominant position."

"We can not continue to flirt with socialism, communism, populism, and Leftist extremism. "
Jair Bolsonaro
President Elect of Brazil, Mr. Brair 19659020] MS INFORMATION AT 3 YC 2

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