Brazil and Chile conclude successful negotiations for a new free trade agreement


Brazil and Chile concluded the negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement to be signed before the end of the year.

After four rounds of negotiations, representatives of the two South American nations finalized the negotiations of the bilateral agreement which will complete the one already in force between Mercosur and our country, said the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a note published Saturday night.

between Mercosur – the integrated block of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – and Chile . has already allowed the elimination of import duties in bilateral trade.

The new agreement will go further and include 17 new items such as: trade in services and electronics, telecommunications, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, removal of barriers to trade, intellectual property, and chapter on small and medium-sized goods. medium-sized enterprises, among others

Undertakings in the field of electronics

In this sense, Brazil and Chile undertook to eliminate customs duties. roaming for data and mobile telephony between the two countries.

On the other hand, it will be the first time that Brazil will badume, within the framework of a bilateral trade agreement, commitments in the field of electronic commerce ] Good Regulatory Practices, Transparency anti-corruption, regional and global value chains, gender, environment and labor issues.

Inco will be added to the text the agreements recently signed by the two countries, such as the Protocol on Government Procurement and the Rotocolo on Investment in Financial Institutions .


Negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement began on April 27 during the visit of Chilean President Sebastián Piñera to Brasilia.

"The new agreement will contribute to stimulate trade and investment flows between Brazil and Chile, both in the goods and services sectors It will constitute at the same time a vector of rapprochement between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance and strengthening integration "

Chile is one of the members of the Pacific Alliance to sides of Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

Our country is Brazil's second largest trading partner in South America and an important destination for Brazilian investment in the region.

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