Brazil cuts trade surplus in June due to truckers' strike


The truckers' strike that paralyzed Brazil at the end of May affected exports and reduced the trade surplus of the largest Latin American economy, according to official sources.

7.184 million in the same month of 2017 (-18.1%), said the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC).

Exports totaled $ 20.202 million, up 2.1% from one year to the next. but in reduction compared to the rhythm of the previous months.

According to MDIC chief Marcos Jorge, the strike reduced the volume of exports by 30%.

"We had the hope that exports would stay in the same We saw a significant reduction at the end of May and the beginning of June with the truckers' strike," he said.

However, he noted that "at the end resumed exports."

Imports in June totaled $ 14.32 billion, up 13.7% over the same month of 2017, in a context of sharp depreciation of the Brazilian currency against the dollar

As for May, exports increased by 5.0% and imports by 8.0%.

During the first six months of the year, Brazilian exports totaled $ 113.834 million and imports $ 83.779 million, an increase of 5.7% and 17.2% respectively over the same period. period last year.

However, the trade surplus recorded between January and June this year ($ 30.055 million) is 17% lower than the same period. 2017 (USD 36,221 million).

Brazil closed 2017 with a record trade surplus of $ 67.7 billion.

Market forecasts for 2018 are in excess of $ 58.280 billion.

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