Brazil: Supreme Judge Rejects New Application for Liberty for Lula


The decision was made by Judge Alexander de Moraes, who also filed all defense applications against his colleague Luiz Edson Fachin, Supreme Court instructor of proceedings related to the corruption scandal discovered in Petrobras, by which The former president was sentenced

De Moraes dismissed the appeal filed by the lawyers, who requested the country's highest court for the release of the former head of the court. State (2003-2010) until the resolution of another appeal in progress, Fachin himself ordered the badysis of the entire court, consisting of eleven judges [19659003] The Supreme Court is withdrawing during the month of July, so that she can only resume the case in August.

Lula's defense also requested that the appeal was not badyzed by the plenary and the second chamber of the court, which decided Tuesday to release former minister José Dirceu, who was also found guilty of corruption and who was "There is no reason for the defense's claims," ​​said De Moraes, a member of the first chamber of the Supreme Court, in his deed and selected by lot as instructor of this call. 19659003] The defense of Lula believes that it is more feasible to release the charismatic head of prison if appeals are tried by the second chamber, where magistrates who challenge the execution of a sentence once confirmed in the second instance are found.

In 2016, the Supreme Court provisionally authorized that a judgment could be enforced once all second instance appeals had been exhausted and even when there were other remedies in proceedings higher.

In this sense, the second chamber contradicted this jurisprudence and released Dirceu, although having already been convicted in the second instance, as Lula, also for bribery in Petrobras.

In Lula's case, Federal Judge Sergio Moro and a Superior Court of Appeal condemned the leader of the Workers' Party (PT) for bribery and money laundering when they allegedly received as a bribe a three-story apartment of the OAS, involved in discoveries deviations in Petrobras.

Moro then decreed Lula Prison and the former governor was imprisoned on April 7 at the headquarters of the Federal Police of the city of Curitiba, in the south of the country.

The defense has tried multiple resources in different courts, including many in the Supreme, and all have been denied.

Lula, who still intends to stand for presidential elections next October, despite the fact that his candidacy is virtually canceled, he denies all charges and argues that the investigation is a "lie" organized to prevent his return to power.

Source: EFE

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