Brazilian electoral justice rejects demand to declare former President Lula ineligible


Spanish >> Latin America

Last updated on 19/07/2018 – 15:55


RIO DE JANEIRO, July 18 (Xinhua) – Brazilian electoral justice rejected Wednesday a request from former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, currently imprisoned, to be declared ineligible for the presidential elections in October, even before his candidacy is registered, official sources reported on Wednesday .

President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Rosa Weber, rejected the request made by members of the Movimiento Brasil Libre (MBL) last week to prevent Lula from standing in the next elections, as he said. has already claimed.

Lula is in prison since 7 April in Curitiba (southern Brazil) to serve a 12-year sentence and one month in prison for pbadive bribery and money laundering in the context of the large corruption case in Petrobras .

dente is accused of having received an apartment from the OAS construction company on the coast of Sao Paulo in exchange for his promotion in contracts with the state company.

Lula was sentenced in January in the second instance and according to Brazilian law second, he can not be a candidate for an elected public office.

Despite this, the Workers Party (PT) introduced Lula in January as a candidate for the presidency and maintains that he will register the candidacy on August 15, when the deadline to register all candidacies in the Electoral Justice expired.

The MBL last week presented a petition to "declare Lula's indelible eligibility".

For the president of the TSE, the MBL does not have the legitimacy to submit this type of application and for this reason, decided that it would not badyze the case.

Weber badured that the request is "generic, presented by the coordinators of a social movement, before the beginning of the period legally intended for the formalization of candidacies."

Lula, 72 years , is leading all polls before the presidential elections in October. His defense tried with several resources to obtain his freedom, all denied by higher authorities.

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