Brazilian justice rejects the appeal filed by Lula, will continue in prison


  The Brazilian justice rejects the appeal filed by Lula, will continue in prison

Federal Court Minister Alexander de Moraes ruled "inappropriate" the defense claim against the Fachin measure.
STF Minister Alexander de Moraes refused on Friday afternoon the appeal of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) to obtain freedom. With the decision, the former president, detained since April 7, will continue to be a prisoner

"There was no external encroachment on the competition and, therefore, nothing n & # 39; 39 indicates the need for its preservation, "says Moraes in the decision, stating that the STF has" the natural process for the completion of due process of the relevant issues "

In the application, the defense asked an interim decision for Lula to be released at least until the merit of the application for liberty be tried in 2nd grade, which can only be done in the second semester, as the STF ministers enter this Friday on collective holidays until August.

The defense of the former president wanted a second clbad rapporteur, but the draw for the appeal was made among all the ministers of the STF, with the exception of the President, Minister Carmen Lúcia, and Fachin himself, the subject of the complaint. Alexandre de Moraes was a lucky speaker on Friday morning (29). Lula's lawyers badert that Fachin acted "arbitrarily", without protection in the Constitution or in the internal regulations of the STF, referring the case to the plenary, in a maneuver to prevent the release of the police. former president by the Second. The next session of the 2nd clbad of the STF is scheduled for 7 August, and that of the plenary session, for 8 August, a few days before the final deadline for the registration of candidates for this year's elections, August 15th.

In addition to the application and suspensive effect, the defense filed a third application for release this Friday, in the form of embargos against the April ruling in which the plenary of the STF refused, by 6 votes against 5, corpus to Lula.

The former president has been imprisoned since April 7 at the Superintendency of the Federal Police in Curitiba. Lula was arrested after her conviction upheld by the second instance of the Federal Court, as authorized by the STF.

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