Brexit: What do we know about the London-Brussels deal?


After a long wait, the British finally have an idea of ​​what it means to stop belonging to the European Union (EU) through Brexit.

On Wednesday night, after After five hours of discussion with her ministerial cabinet, Premier Theresa May opened the door of her office at 10 Downing Street, London, and her Is addressed to the media.

The key to his brief statement: The Cabinet decided to support an agreed principle for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU.

British withdrawal from the block is scheduled for March 2019 . . However, until now, nothing was specified on what this output would entail.

Since June 2016, 51.9% of Britons voted in a referendum in favor of Brexit, London and Brussels have negotiated the terms of "divorce" how will it work in the practice and what will be the relationships after separation.

That is why the announcement of this Wednesday, although it is not the last word, at least it is a advance to know the possible answers to these Questions.

"This is a decisive step" said May for the advancement of Brexit and the finalization of the agreement.

In total The case, the principle of agreement, almost pages, now has to get approval from the British Parliament and 27 other EU Member States.

What does the principle of agreement say?

The document, of which only a few details are known, discusses the questions of separation.

Includes an undertaking to to protect the rights of EU nationals living in the United Kingdom and of British nationals living in other EU countries, so that they can: continue to work and study in the countries where they reside.

He also mentions a 21-month transition period from the departure of the United Kingdom and a "financial agreement" under which the British will have to pay an amount between 39,000 and 44 US $ 000 million for bonds contracted before the exit of the bloc.

The proposed agreement also reinforces the protection of 3,000 "geographical indications" that include Parma ham, feta cheese, champagne and Welsh lamb, among others.

One of the most controversial points was that of the border of Northern Ireland (British territory) with the Republic of and Ireland.

London and Dublin wish to avoid the return of a "hard border" between these territories


The proposal therefore includes a safeguard clause (1945). backstop in English), which would prevent the return of customs or checkpoints between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Michel Barnier, Chief Brexit Negotiator, said Wednesday that the ] backstop would come into effect if the UK and the EU failed to reach an agreement.

The controversy is that Brexit supporters do not like the idea of ​​being linked . ] EU customs rules

In addition, May's government receives crucial support from conservative MPs from the Northern Ireland party DUP, who do not want Northern Ireland to have a different regime from that of the rest of the British territory. 19659021] And then?

This ju Prime Minister May should present the principle of agreement in Parliament, where she will certainly face hostile questions .

An EU meeting is expected to take place in late November to approve the document. But after that, May must face what could be the battle of her life : have the final agreement approved by the British Parliament.

There are skeptical parliamentarians or openly opposed to Brexit and others who favor an exit from the EU without an agreement if it does not meet the British requirements, which could hinder its approval.

One of his options would be to seek renegotiation with the EU, postpone the day on the day of the entry into force of Brexit or even the convocation of another referendum, which May has dismissed several times.


Jeremy Corbyn, Labor Party Leader of the Opposition, said the agreement was against the national interest because " does not does not meet the needs of United Kingdom ".

Inside the Conservative party in power, there are also critical voices. Some parliamentarians are furious because they believe that the agreement leaves the United Kingdom linked to the EU

The conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg called the document " that would leave the United Kingdom under the customs regulations of the EU and that it would "divide" the country.

For his part, Nicola Sturgeon, Prime Minister of Scotland, also criticized the draft agreement.

"This proposal for agreement will be bad for Scotland, it will take us out of a market eight times larger than that of the United Kingdom and this represents a great threat for employment, investment and quality of life. "

For his part, Guy Verhofstadt, one of the Brexit negotiators in the European Parliament, said that the agreement would offer "protection of civil rights and avoid a hard border with Ireland".

"I hope that someday the UK will come back by the time this agreement will be concluded Brexit is possible while maintaining close relations," Verhofstadt said in a statement. communicated.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he was "very happy" and had "obtained a" good result ".

And Juha Sipila, Finnish Prime Minister, said in a tweet that" the decisions of both parties are always necessary to reach a final agreement. "

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