Brisk walking reduces mortality by 20% El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo


CITY OF MEXICO .- Cardiovascular disease, one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world, is as follows: stroke, myocardial infarction or heart failure. These conditions have increased due to a sedentary lifestyle that modifies the body's metabolic mechanisms.

One of the ways to combat these health problems is to walk intensely, as shown by the results of an badysis of physical activity conducted between 1994 and 2008. out of 50,000 people and its relation to mortality, caused mainly by cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

The study showed that the decline in mortality varied among those who walked slowly, moderately or rapidly.

For example, the risks in general, they decrease between 20% and 24% when they walk intensely. In the case of cardiovascular diseases, the reduction is between 21% and 24%. After age 50, these benefits become more obvious.

Walking intensely for 10 minutes helps to improve the metabolic processes controlling inflammation, cholesterol and sugar.

"At 10 minutes are already underway The metabolic mechanisms that improve, for example, the cholesterol level, which is part of the body, is nothing acquired, that the lack of activity contributes to unbalance

After the race, for example, everything is painful and inflamed.The body triggers anti-inflammatory mechanisms, walking regularly causes the body in this reaction.Inflammation is related to in both cardiovascular diseases and cancer … e explains the epidemiologist Roberto Elosua

It is therefore recommended to the general population to increase the pace of its usual walks. [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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