Burns in 90% of your body: the woman had to face a horrible allergic reaction due to a cure for tonsillitis


He had tonsillitis and the doctors gave him penicillin – a common and most commonly used antibiotic – to treat the disease. But the body of Cammile Lagier, 29, did not react in the best way.

The girl began to notice small rashes on her skin, which quickly turned into burns that covered 90% of her body. forced to stay hospitalized for three weeks in the hospital, on the verge of death.

Neither the young woman nor the doctors knew her allergy to penicillin, so the remedy in this case was worse than the disease. 19659002] Because of the reaction known as toxic epidermal necrolysis – which affects only one or two people per million – Cammile is now covered with scars and, even though the situation was really complex, she is happy to stay alive.

The scars remind me of the days I've won, "he said.

Bodily injury

During the three weeks of her hospitalization, the girl was hospitalized. said the English Daily Mail, his first symptoms were "p icazón in the eyes and some points on my back that have worsened with time".

About the use of penicillin, the woman stated to have used it without problem in her childhood. It is therefore quite unexpected. " I had already taken penicillin since I was a girl, but at the moment, an allergy can occur," he added.

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