Businessmen demand to revive pro-growth agenda despite political costs


From the CCP they shared Larraín Matte's criticisms, but stressed that "it is always wrong to patrol governments."

The business world seems to be unhappy with the impetus that the current administration of President Sebastián Piñera has so, at least, he was seen by the president of the Industrial Development Corporation (Sofofa), Bernardo Larraín Matte, who criticized last Sunday – through a column published in El Mercurio – that even during the period of the presidential campaign, it was conveyed that growth would become a relevant issue, this commitment did not occur materialized.

"We have seen some signs of numbness from the reformist pulse, because the incentive to not bear the political costs by betting on economic growth that is here to stay," he criticized.

In the same vein, the head of the industrialists raised Although a government should reconcile various objectives and themes, this should not mean that "civil society or the private sector do not remember the reforms these same small economic dynamics delay or avoid rightly ".

In this regard, Larraín Matte urged to advance the tax debate and modernization of the state in terms of investment, illustrating the modernization of the system of badessment of the impact on the environment.

Larraín's proposals were echoed by other representatives of the private sector. The President of the Confederation of Production and Trade (CPC), Alfonso Swett, questioned on the point of knowing he shared the words of Larraín Matte, said that "in general yes."

Regarding what is missing Part of the government to end "numbness" pointed out by Larraín, Swett said that "I think it's always bad to patrol governments, we We do not like that, it is a question that Bernardo will have, as president of Sofofa, to work with the government itself. "

The Mining Council was also asked agree with the critics made by Larraín. The head of the entity, Joaquin Villarino, added: "I am generally in agreement with what Bernardo said, I think he puts on the table a point that is very important, and that consolidating economic growth requires profound reforms "

In relation to this, the leader pointed out that there are issues that require serious badysis and debate in which, the current government, must bring" of good information "to the opposition to generate dialogue.

" Chile needs to deepen reforms, for example something that requires profound changes to consolidate growth and change the trend is the reform of work, there is no doubt that it is essential to stop and discuss. changed, "Villarino added.

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