By 2020, a new PDA for PM could be operational at O. Higgins


In early June, the declaration of a 2.5 Particle-saturated Zone (PM) for the Central Valley of the region of O. Higgins was published in the Official Journal, which will create a new Atmospheric Decontamination Plan (PDA). To this end, June 28 officially began the work period to create this PDA, a process that will last one year

"Today (yesterday) begins with the resolution to work through the materials decontamination plan Particles 2.5 For us it is very important because we know that in the region there was enough discomfort due to the delay in the declaration of an area saturated, "explained the Minister of Environment, Marcela Cubillos

However, although the statement has already been made, the process to finally have a new PDA, due to various procedures, could delay, so that only in 2020 could the new plan exists. "Environmental standards have established timelines and processes that are regulated. This is not a rule in which the speed with which it is taken depends on the management of the ministry, but it has regulated processes with times that can not be changed, "said the secretary. State

. it starts a year ago for the plan; After a public consultation of 60 working days in total, we talked about two years to have the final plan approved by the Council of Ministers and the Controller.

However, the ministry has already defined some of the measures that should be included in the PDA. "The current plan provides for measures related to transportation, replacement of heating appliances, housing improvements and industrial control," said Marcelo Fernández, head of the air division of state secretary Marcelo Fernández. . An important change is in the quality of housing. We spoke with Minvu and we see the possibility that the new housing standard is much more demanding than is required today, "explained the authority as one of the main features of the new plan.

Fernández also stated that "a mechanism must be evaluated to restrict and perhaps completely eliminate the fact that new dwellings are heated with wood.

Restriction of the vehicle

As part of the creation of the new PDA, many saw the opportunity to establish restrictions on vehicles in the main districts of the region of O & # 39; Higgins. However, the measure has generated different positions within the regional government, so the measure is still not clear.

Despite this, the Environment Seremi, Rodrigo Lagos, clarified that "as work begins in the planning of the plan is possible within the framework of the strategies that the Ministry of Transport has, through the serem, apply certain restrictions on vehicles. "

However, Fernandez warned that" the PDA when it is prepared has a technical committee, and this committee is starting to define a first proposal that is the draft. " public consultation, it is reviewed, a definitive project is generated and this project must be reviewed by the ministers, there it is verified that what the proposed serum has sustenance or support in the ministry. "

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