By the consumption of antidepressants, five immigrant minors denounce the Trump government


  Five immigrant minors denounce the Trump government

Protests in Mexico and the United States are constant against Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" policy (Photo: Notimex)


Five minor immigrants detainees today denounced the United States government for policies and practices which, in their opinion, are used illegally to prolong their arrest and delay reunification with their families, as well as the antidepressant administration without your consent.

The complaint was filed today in the Federal District Court of California and has the support of organizations such as the National Center for the Rights of Minors or the Center for Rights. of the man. and Constitutional Law .

Exploit migrants in search of children; In California

Originally from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico the plaintiffs, who arrived in the United States between 2017 and 2018, claimed that the authorities "caused serious harm to undocumented youth by keeping them in conditions similar to those of a prison

The lawsuit further alleges that young people receive powerful drugs without their consent and without ""

Lucas, a 12-year-old Guatemalan boy who allegedly received anti-depressant medication without the parents' consent in the shelter, is the clbad action officer

The lawsuit is contrary to the policies of the Ministry of Justice. Health. Health and Human Services (HSS), Office of Refugee Relocation (ORR), explains Holly Cooper, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of California at Davis and where the lawyers who represent the children.

HSS places these children in detention centers where they are known to administer powerful medications for months, if not years, in violation of their rights, "Cooper warned. Lucas, The child was placed in the custody of the ORR on February 12 after entering alone in the country and was sent to a house in Youngtown, Arizona while his older sister Madelyn resided for a while in Los Angeles, he went through the process to take care of him.

In the lawsuit, Madelyn badures that, despite all the adversities, the little one was a happy, cheerful, talkative, joking person; however, the confinement and the possibility of not being able to meet his sister depressed him .

The lawsuit states that the ORR authorized that they be administered to Lucas, without the permission of the sister or his lawyer, psychotropic drugs that had side effects in the body. 39, child

Madelyn submitted all the documentation to take custody of his brother and, although the authorities found that she was a candidate for the election, you were denied this option

"Cruel and Inhuman", Trump's immigration policy: Videgaray

The plaintiffs argue that, in this way, the authorities violate the points of a court agreement known as "Flores" which, in 1997, ruled that immigrant minors should be detained under "the conditions". less restrictive " and for a maximum period of 20 days

Tactics of Government causes trauma in the very children that they are supposed to protect, "said Leecia Welch, a lawyer at the National Center for the Rights of Minors, in a press release

. the courts that reaffirm the constitutional rights of these children at a time when the government is deliberately acting against their interests ", said Carlos Holguin, lawyer of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law

The denunciation comes into the heat of controversy in the United States by the separation of immigrant families at the border with Mexico.

The US administration put in March last the -describing "zero tolerance" policies, by which the immigrants who cross the border illegally continue to be criminally prosecuted which implies the division of families with minors.

Last week , President Donald Trump has decreed the end of family separations at the border because of severe criticism received.

Since then, the government has reunited 538 children with their parents, although more than 2 According to the White House, 1,000 minors are still detained and separated from their parents .


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