C & # 39; has arrived: the unprecedented explanation of Piñera to justify the closure of Iansa Linares


Many thought it was a piñericosa moreover, those releases of libreto to which the President accustomed us, but this time he said it seriously. This Friday, on the occasion of the closure of the Iansa factory in Linares, Sebastián Piñera used a complex metaphor for the affected people digest the situation: "For that a new tree born, a tree must often die old, it is human nature, "said the president.

You may be interested: Iansa Linares in the UTI: definitive closure is made in August

Piñera was approached by La Moneda journalists on the situation, after the decision of the board of directors to lower the curtain of the Linares factory, which will leave about 4,000 people without economic support.

But the president opted for the economist criterion, lowering the profile at the end of the Maule Sur company and declared that although "many companies were closed, but many others were also opened. "

He also "The company has announced that it will look for a mechanism for gradual closure, so as not to have abrupt impacts on employment, and also to supplement half the cost of higher freight. which means bringing the products that were delivered to the Linares factory at the factory in San Carlos or Los Angeles "

The president also defended the efforts of the government in this case, noting that "We had conversations with workers, beet growers, transporters and society. "At the same time, he stressed that" the Minister of Agriculture has followed this matter permanently, Indap will help small beet growers overcome this situation. "

Antonio Walker:" The Government "

The words of President Piñera followed the statements of the Minister of Agriculture, Antonio Walker, who announced full support to the peasant world and workers of Iansa.

In an interview with Radio Agriculture, the Secretary of State indicated that "we will support our farmers, we see what steps we will take but we will not leave them alone" (19459005 ] we are going to help them get up, we are going to help them reconvert themselves, it takes a while, we all know that agriculture is long term, but we will always play for our farmers. "

The Minister of Agriculture, in addition to highlighting the competition of sugar beet against sugar cane, and to announce technical advice and funding for those affected, concluded optimist: "In this pain, we will go ahead, the government will do its thing and we will put the chest to the bullets. "

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