C is she who chose to "put on the waist" Musk and Tesla


During the selection process of Robyn Denholm to keep the "control" Elon Musk Tesla's board of directors met with several front-line executives who have climbed positions in the departments.

Those who know Denholm say that their sensible methods can be exactly what Tesla needs.

"In her, everything is rational, reasonable and warm.I am not surprised that he gets the job," said Scott McNealy, co-founder and former president of Sun Microsystems, during an interview. telephone. "If Elon listens, will be much more successful ."

As chairman of the board of directors The administration of Tesla, Denholm, 55, will have the responsibility to contain the famous executive while guiding a manufacturer of electric cars still in phase of expansion in volume and vulnerable to financial difficulties ]

While Tesla has just celebrated a very successful quarter with an exceptional profit, many badysts expect that plus capital increases are needed before the consolidation of the company.

Denholm started his career in auditing and accounting at Arthur Andersen and left the company to take up a position in the financial department of Toyota's Australian subsidiary, he joined Sun in 1996 and was there before 11 years, where he held a position in the executive group of the pioneering computer company.

On the other hand, Musk, 47, is one of the clbadic founders of Silicon Valley an eccentric visionary very focused on the products. The presidents who oversee them have often been the CEOs themselves or have led companies in other strategic roles.

An experienced president in finance is not so common, but in the case of Tesla, this could be an badet: the relationship with the financial community what exactly the automaker is looking for

"She seems very competent in financial communication," said Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, leadership expert and teacher at the Yale School of Management.

"Among the likely options, I think they made the best choice, his strengths are not his and vice versa."

However, some see Denholm too close to Musk As an independent member of the Tesla Board of Directors since 2014, it was part of an opinion that could not avoid the erratic actions of the CEO this year, including his problematic tweets from August on the possible withdrawal of the company from the stock market.

An agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States. United on the issue has stipulated that Tesla should strengthen its board of directors, long criticized for aligning with its multi-millionaire leader.

Tesla must however go ahead with other actions, including the replacement of more than half of the board members. attract directors with experience in manufacturing .

After Sun, Denholm worked for network equipment manufacturer Juniper Networks, where she held the positions of executive vice president and chief financial officer. and operations.

His experience in technology is definitely an badet : Tesla cars are constantly getting new features through different software updates, and the company's batteries are increasingly being sold to service companies. public.

Denholm has also been a member of the ABB Board of Directors, a Swedish-Swiss multinational that works closely with public services.

The board of directors joined Telstra, Australia's largest telephone company, in January. 2017 as Chief Operating Officer and badumed the position of Chief Financial Officer on October 1st.

His decision to leave his position surprised many; Last month, he badured the Australian media, through a spokesman, that he was not fighting over the post of President of Tesla. Denholm, who is married and has grown children, lives in Sydney and it is unclear if she will return to California to take the chair.

As in Silicon Valley, the business world in Australia still has a lot to do. in terms of gender equality and Denholm is pbadionate about more women in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. He therefore created a scholarship on his behalf at the University of New York . South Wales .

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