Cadem: Piñera gets the lowest approval in his second term | National


Bad news received the government this Sunday. For the first time since his second term, President Sebastián Piñera fell 50% from approval according to the Cadem survey, reaching only 49% of Chilean preferences .

According to the survey, the approval of the president has dropped five percentage points since the last study, reaching 54% . Meanwhile, the disapproval of the head of state went from 33% to 37% in his second administration.

This result comes just in a very hectic week for the executive, triggered largely by the controversial speeches of the Minister of Education, Eduardo Varela .

During one activity, the portfolio holder judged that "every day I receive complaints from people who want the ministry and I wonder why they do not do bingo . "

His controversial statements were not various sectors, but also was reflected in the perception of citizenship since the minister was the worst rated in the cabinet.

Although Varela managed to reach 73% of knowledge, approval decreased by 18 percentage points to 2 2% . Regarding the rejection of the head of the Ministry of Education, this reached 74%.

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