Caesar Villanueva: What did he say about the controversial theme park?


The President of the Council of Ministers, César Villanueva, declared that he "does not believe" that the new park "Hero of Democracy", which was intended to bid by the Municipality of Lima, duplicates the Functions of the Place of Memory, Tolerance and Social Inclusion (LUM).

The construction of this area was announced by the head of Congress, Luis Galarreta, this week for, as he expressed, "tell the true story of terrorism". After that it was learned that the management of Luis Castañeda offers the project.

YOU SEE: Governor of Lima: Only the walkers are against the theme park

"The badessment (of the establishment of this park) is from the mayor, it is a municipal decision.The executive has no clear opinion "said Prime Minister Villanueva in a dialogue with El Comercio.

The Prime Minister clarified that the municipality of Lima will define the specialists who will give the He badured in another moment that he does not know if Galarreta collaborated with this project, which he also argued There are no details. It should be noted that the Republic may know that, last December, the fujimorista Wuilian Monterola asked the Plenary "to exceptionally allow" the resources for remodeling the park "Heroes of Democracy".

Patricia Balbuena. The official said that the LUM " is the only official space " of the government to tell part of the country's history. He also noted that he was not consulted on the project of the Municipality of Lima.

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