Cajamarca: A woman is left with severe burns after a gas attack | Trade | Peru | Cajamarca


New attempt at feminicide. Juana Mendoza Alva (31) was severely burned after being victim of a man who sprayed fuel and set it on fire. The identity of the person who fled the scene is the subject of an investigation by the authorities. The crime took place in the city of Cajamarca.

According to testimonies collected by the portal Cajamarca Reporters, the attack took place in the jungle of 5 Amigos 142, in the lower part of Cajamarca, when Juana Mendoza was working at his post. sale of ambulatory food.

The subject approached her and sprayed her with fuel. The fire would have spread faster under the flames of the sanguchero plow.

The pbaders-by were the first to help Juana Mendoza and managed to extinguish the fire. Although they tried to stop the attacker, he managed to escape.

According to local media reports, Juana Mendoza Alva is in serious condition and with fourth degree burns on her back.

The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) which provides social, psychological and legal attention to the victim of this new attempt at femicide, who is admitted to the Regional Teaching Hospital of Cajamarca.

On the other hand, they informed that Wilder Escobal Chalan, cohabiting with the victim, declares the second police station of Cajamarca, as an investigator.

Efforts are made to transfer the victim to a Lima hospital because of the severity of his injuries.

This new attack comes about a month after the death of Eyvi Ágreda Marchena, a young student who was sprinkled with gasoline and burned alive by Carlos Hualpa while he was driving a bus to Miraflores. Eyvi died 38 days of agony from widespread infection.

Another of the most cruel attacks recorded last year occurred in Tarapoto. In June 2017, Fernando Ruiz del Águila murdered his ex-partner Marysella Pizarro and another woman after causing an explosion and a fire at the place where they worked in this city. The crime occurred despite the fact that the femicide had three complaints of violence and a court order not to approach her. Ruiz del Águila died a few days later

According to the Ombudsman's office, between January and May, there were 43 femicides and 90 attempts in Peru.

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