Calendar for Google Calendar Events –


Sectograph is an Android application that will help us to become aware of ongoing activities, showing us in a very visual way how we have allocated time to reach the daily goals.

Just choose the calendar We want you to sync from our Google account, so that all the events we have planned are reflected in the application.


The application will show us a circular calendar every day, with the numbering of the clock, with all scheduled tasks, which will be repeated in calendar mode , at the bottom of the main page. Of course, we can also add or remove tasks from the same application, as well as customize some options, such as color, notifications, etc.

Also, he has a widget that tracks the dynamics of the circular calendar, showing all the tasks waiting for the day. This dynamic will help us identify at a glance how the day will be, plan the rest of your activities around the events we have scheduled.

And if the dynamics of the clock does not work for our workflow, we can adjust the options to customize the operation of the widget, for example, change the sectors, the list of events, the content that will appear in the central area, etc.

This is an interesting option for those seeking a new dynamic to increase their productivity. To test the operation offered by the application, simply download it on Google Play.


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