California, a victim in the US trade war with China


Los Angeles, United States

Car engines and computer chips with pistachios and almonds, wine: the mighty California economy will be seriously affected if the commercial war deepens the United States and China.

There are billions of dollars and a number of jobs that are under threat in the richest and most populous state of the country, considered a global economy in itself "S & H There is one area in the United States that will be affected by this trade war, that is Los Angeles, "AFP Stephen Cheung, former director of international trade at the Port of Los Angeles, told AFP. Angeles and president of the NGO World Trade Center Los Angeles.

"Last year we had [en los puertos de la región] more than 170,000 million imports and exports directly with China, it is our main trading partner", ex [19659003Thetwolargesteconomiesintheworldarelockedinaseverecontroversythatthreatenstounbalanceinternationaltrade

And for every action in the United States, Beijing responds with immediate and equivalent reprisals.

The fear is that this cycle continues to grow to a point that depresses the economy, "said Cheung

-" Very anxious "-

California is the fifth largest economy in the world with a GDP of 2.700 billion dollars, greater than that of Britain.

In this state of about 40 million inhabitants operate the very powerful companies of Silicon Valley and the major studios of Hollywood.

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Electric Cars, Engines, Auto Parts, Waste Paper and aluminum as well as food are exported.

Pistachio, Almonds, Oranges, "Although we do not know the exact ramifications these tariffs will have on our crops, we understand that the loss of the Chinese market will result in Other people's input crazy foreign suppliers in the Chinese market. "," told AFP Sara Neagu-Reed of the California Agricultural Federation (CFBF)

China was the third largest agricultural market in California , after the European Union and Canada, with a value of $ 2,000 million in 2016.

"We are very concerned," said Holly King, chief of the board of directors of The Producers California almonds, which they exported $ 518 million in 2016, according to the CFBF, now enjoy a tariff of 50%.

Pistachios, which account for $ 530 million, face a 45% tax

Casey Cramer, vice president of the California Citrus Mutual Association, which represents 2,500 growers, said that the company's business is still in the market. organization is currently "focused on supporting the government" in the face of "business practices [chinas] that have harmed the industry." "

Trump, who wants to reduce the deficit with China, has accused other countries of taking advantage of the United States in terms of trade.

And many producers agree on unfair practices Asian power, but instead of using tariffs as tactics, "says Cheung," the solution is to negotiate in good faith "and reach an agreement that favors everyone.

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