Call for the release of Lula da Silva divides the Supreme Court of Brazil – International – Notes


June 29 (Notimex) .- The 11 judges of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil are divided before the appeal filed by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to request their provisional release, and they must decide in the coming weeks of the future of the politician who

The lawyers of the former president filed an appeal last week to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), arguing that there was bias in the first instance and in the second instance who sentenced Lula da Silva for bribery and money laundering. money, and therefore ask for his release until the sentence is final.

However, Supreme Court Justice Edson Fachin, who deals with cases of the Lava Jato operation – under which Lula da Silva was convicted and did the same. subject to investigation in half a dozen cases – he felt that the call had not been formed and dismissed it.

The lawyers again appealed and asked that this decision be collegial. and not individual, to which Fachin reacted by submitting the case to the plenary of the STF, composed of 11 judges and who in recent years had to solve problems of great magnitude for the country, such as the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff. 19659002] This week, however, a decision of one of the two groups of the Supreme Court, consisting of five judges, indicated that the dominant jurisdiction – which provides for the possibility of imprisoning a sentenced person in the second instance – could change.

This is because the former minister and right hand man of Lula da Silva, José Dirceu, sentenced in May to 30 years and 9 months in prison for corruption, money laundering and illicit badociation by the second instance, was released. surprise after an appeal, considering three of the five judges who could remain at liberty until the sentence is final.

Even the former president of the lower house, Eduardo Cunha, jailed and sentenced or in many cases of corruption and money laundering, he received a favorable decision from one of the Supreme Court justices who ordered his release.

Thus, the lawyers of Lula da Silva perceived an opportunity in the STF so that the exmandatario, imprisoned since the last 7 shelter, released from jail, and in the last two days submitted three resources.

The Brazilian press and political and legal badysts have been discussing the issue for days, nothing trivial for a country Since 2014, deputies, ministers, senators and dozens of men from all over the world influential business were arrested, charged and convicted under the Lava Jato Operation.

Magistrates' statements and actions in recent weeks show that the 11 judges of the Brazilian STF are divided on a key issue for a country that is holding presidential elections next October.

Judges must decide between: order the provisional release of Lula da Silva, or stick to more severe jurisprudence, reject his departure and prevent him from participating in the next presidential election, although 33 percent of voters intend to vote again for him, according to

speculation is growing because in July the judiciary takes vacations and the issue could hardly be resolved in August, month when the term ends to register the candidatures to the elections, in which until today it is not known if she will be able to participate Lula da Silva, 72 years old and cancer survivor in 2012.

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