Callao: Manufacturers question Muelle Norte's new rates | Economy


The National Company of Industries (SNI) has badured that the new tariffs of the North Dock of Callao are not reciprocal with the improvement of the services. Ricardo Márquez, president of the organization, pointed out that the port operator needs to improve the efficiency of its operations and expand its capacity of silos in those who store the grain.

In addition, he said that it should be optimized the method of measuring service times for trucks, since there are no real results. "This should be done independently and with a pre-established protocol to avoid the distortions that make operations more expensive," he said.

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to implement in the port and temporary depots a system of appointments and to work in new regulations of Operation-REOPs with users so that there are no gaps.

"The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism should take advantage of the delegated powers to implement the 13 measures announced by this ministry in August of last year, as well as the recommendations of the World Bank. that the competitiveness of our foreign trade does not continue to be affected, "he said Ricardo Márquez.

The new rates are part of a 5-year package that established Ositran and it was approved in 2016, but the head of the SNI considers that the necessary improvements are not necessary. Have not been implemented to reduce cost overruns.

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