Callao: more than 250 kilos of marijuana 'scary' to Chile | PICTURES Trade | Lima | Callao


More than 250 kilos of marijuana "scary" were seized during an intervention in the district of Santa Rosa to of Callao . The drug was camouflaged in the lower part of a truck, which had intervened as it was crossing the 40 kilometer of Panamericana Norte .

This operation was led by the Provincial Prosecutor's Office, specialized in the drug trafficking of Ventanilla after a patient intelligence work, supervised by the prosecutor Luz Mery Zuzunaga Silva.

According to the first surveys, the cargo came from Colombia and was destined for Chile. During the operation, the driver of the vehicle was stopped and his identity is kept in reserve.

According to information from the provincial prosecutor's office specialized in drug trafficking in Ventanilla, marijuana seized would be valued at US $ 6,000.

The seizure was carried out in coordination with the Peruvian National Police Drug Directorate, which monitored the vehicle from the north of the country.

What is "scary" marijuana? ] Marijuana & # 39; Creepy & # 39; is up to five times more potent than traditional marijuana and is considered to be of the highest quality.

According to studies, this modified substance has no medical percentage and can cause intoxications, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia or a psychotic seizure.

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