Callao: PNP seized more than 200 pounds of marijuana inside a boat Trade | Lima | Police


Anti-drug police seize 210.40 kilos of marijuana camouflaged inside a ship in the harbor of Callao .

The intelligence work was conducted in coordination with Deputy Prosecutor Edith Ccora Soto, representative of the second provincial prosecutor's office specialized in drug trafficking in Callao. Navy divers also participated in the operation

The PNP determined that marijuana was of the variety Barahona that is grown in greenhouses and genetically engineered to have 17% more concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis

The drug was found in the length of the vessel Ever Conquest of Port of Buenaventura (Colombia) and had as final destination Chile . Officers found three cases containing 176 sealed and vacuum-sealed packages

According to the authorities, investigations will continue to determine the responsibility of the perpetrators of the crime of drug trafficking.

  Callao: PNP seized more than 200 kilograms of marijuana in a boat

(Video: PNP)

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