CAM announces cessation of "resistance actions" after Machi Celestino Córdova's authorization | National


The head of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), Héctor Llaitul announces the cessation of the "actions of resistance" after the machi Celestino Córdova was allowed to visit his lair. [19659002] In a conversation with The Clinic, Llaitul argued that "as CAM we announced the cessation of all our resistance actions related to the Machi's demand." His request was satisfied, that is what we expected and what happened. "

Also, the head of the CAM appreciated the injunction decreed by pre-trial detention against General Gonzalo Blu and Alex Smith, as part of Operation Hurricane

"It was provided in criminal matters as it involves serious crimes committed by state agents. the measure we had requested from the beginning to all those who had been victims of this intelligence operation. "

The two accused were formalized by unlawful badociation, falsification of public instruments and obstruction of law. investigation. In dialogue

Considering these two facts, Llaitul considers that "we are facing a favorable scenario for a high-level dialogue with the authorities seeking a political solution and not necessarily the police route".

"Like CAM, we want to dialogue with the government on substantive issues, referring to our historic claims as a people," he says.

On Wednesday, Social Development Minister Alfredo Moreno ruled out a dialogue with CAM. the last two weeks there were about 10 attacks .

Today, it is the Minister of Interior Andrés Chadwick who reaffirmed this position after recognizing "an increase in violent actions, both in Arauco and in Araucania and even in new forms in the Los Lagos area. "

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