CAM announces cessation of "resistance actions" after permission granted to Celestino Córdova


Héctor Llaitul, leader of the Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco (CAM), pointed out that the government has confirmed the permission that the gendarmerie granted Celestino Córdova to visit his wife for 48 hours

"C & # 39 is good news for the machi and for all our peoples especially from the point of view of our political, cultural and religious rights. The machi petition transcends aspects related only to criminal benefits and from this point of view we appreciate the gesture of the government, "said Llaitul to The Clinic

and that is the refusal at the time at the request of the machi, he caused incendiary attacks on Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Ríos, especially against logging companies.

That is why Llaitul said that "as CAM we are announcing a cessation of all our resistance actions related to the machi's demand." His request was answered, it is this that we were waiting for and what happened. "

Meanwhile, he ordered the pre-trial detention against Gonzalo Blu and Alex Smith, as part of the Hurricane operation, noting that" It was criminal prosecution because of serious crimes committed by State agents. "Pre-trial detention was the measure we had requested from the beginning of all those who had been victims of this intelligence operation. . "

Héctor Llaitul thus indicated that these facts" in favor of the Mapuche cause "are favorable signals to begin a possible dialogue with La Moneda

" We are facing a favorable scenario for a high-level dialogue with the authorities seeking a political solution and not necessarily the police. As CAM, we want to discuss substantive issues with the government, referring to our historic claims as a people, "he says.

The leader says, "There are conditions, CAM's will manifests itself. to give us coordinates where there is interest of the authorities to walk this path. "

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