Camera sets the names of members of the Inquiry Commission by Corfo-SQM agreement


Her main promoter, Vice President Alejandra Sepúlveda (FRVS) said that she hopes to "review the whole process and also find out what could be the cause of the end of this contract."

Only a few days after a month. that the inquiry committee of the agreement between Corfo and SQM be approved, at the meeting this morning, the Chamber of Deputies finally gave the green light to the early work of the instance when the list of its members is complete.

was led by the representatives of the Socialist Regional Socialist Federation (FRVS), this party will only have the presence of MP Esteban Velásquez and the other members will be UDI Sandra Amar, Gustavo Sanhueza and Gaston von Mülenbrock; RN Eduardo Durán (RN), Francisco Eguiguren and Camila Flores (RN); the radical Marcela Hernando, PC Daniel Núñez; PS Marcelo Diaz and Juan Santana, DC Gabriel Silber and RD Pablo Vidal (RD).

In opposition they attribute to the UDI the delay in the conformation, for which the deputy Alejandra Sepúlveda (FRVS), lead promoter of the instance, evaluated the final payroll and most importantly "that the UDI gave the names of those who will represent them, which delayed this conformation."

And stressed that "finally, we are ready with the majority of the people who will be part of this organization and we hope to start this survey commission as soon as possible, which is essential to know what is going on goes on with this contract between CORFO and SQM, that we insist again, is a false contract that does not match and that, in addition, what we here told the former vice president of Corfo, Eduardo Bitran, " alluding to the fact that the ex-authority pointed out in the House that the agreement was the best that could have been achieved. "Lantó that" by our representative in the commission, the deputy Esteban Velásquez, we hope with this to look at the whole process and also find out what could be the cause of the end of this contract. "

On June 6 past the creation of the commission, which was requested with 68 signatures of support and was approved with 94 votes in favor. The agency establishes that it will collect information on the acts of the governments in relation to the origin, adoption and execution of the above-mentioned agreement, in particular with regard to the role of by Julio Ponce Lerou in the company SQM, the concentration of the world lithium market, the environmental damage of the Salar and the mining royalty.

For which he will have a term no more than 90 days from the moment he begins the session.

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