Cancer is the leading cause of death among women in six regions of the country


Although cancer is the second leading cause of death in Chile, it is already the first in terms of women in six regions of the country: Arica, Antofagasta, Biobío, Aysén, La Araucanía and Lakes, according to the data provided by the Department of Epidemiology Department of Health (Minsal) 2016.

Although female mortality is leading in six regions, the incidence is slightly higher in men.

The cancer rate in the country reaches 143 per 100,000 population, accounting for 26.3% of the total number of deaths, according to data updated until 2016. The female mortality rate is 134 , 8%. 100,000 people, bad cancer, followed by the trachea, bronchi and lungs that affect them the most. In men, however, the mortality rate is 151.1 per 100,000 and the malignancies that cause the most damage are the stomach, followed by the prostate, trachea and lung (see infographic). .

Sergio Becerra, head of the Minsal Cancer Department, explains that the incidence of slightly higher mortality in men is due to the fact that "mortality in gastric cancer (stomach) has a poor prognosis because it is detected very late, when it is already advanced and that the treatment is not money In the case of women, although mammography (screening for tumors) has a low coverage, it can be identified at earlier stages, so many of them are improving, "he said.

The report adds that there are environmental factors (presence of arsenic and ultraviolet rays); habits such as sedentary lifestyle, smoking and obesity, which influence the development of cancer and vary by geographical location.

For example, cancers of the respiratory system, skin and bladder are concentrated in the north, while southern cancers of the digestive system (stomach, gall bladder and colon).

However, many other factors have an impact, such as the aging of the population and the unhealthy lifestyles of Chileans, such as smoking, obesity and tobacco. Alcohol consumption, which "increases the incidence of cancer," added Becerra.


The Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Isabel Plá, explains that one of the main problems that arise in the case of women and cancer of the bad is "the misinformation about the age that they must start to examine, where to go to ask for a mammogram, from what age." Breast cancer is a cause of very recurrent death and is a disease that if it is detected early, is treated.There is a huge misinformation among women in Chile and that is why our priority is to inform, "he said.

The Minister of Health, Emilio Santelices, reinforces this concern. "Only 36%, that is only one third of those who should be tested, do not have mammograms, but there are also worries … I have studies of patients who have HIV / AIDS coverage. It is clear that the education component needs to be strengthened, "he said. Plá added that "to prevent in advance the signs of risk, it is essential to conduct a self-examination from 20 years, every month, and a mammogram at least every three years from 50 years old ".


Mortality forecasts go In 2020, cancer is the leading cause of death among Chileans. It is therefore particularly important to detect and prevent the disease and, in particular, to increase the number of diagnoses in women.

Mammography is guaranteed to Fonasa patients aged 50 to 69 years in primary health care (PHC), that is, in family health centers and clinics, and the Labor Code allows them to take a free morning to do this exam. However, the current coverage of the test in the public system being 36%, the government expects to reach 60% over its four years of administration. To this end, 31 mammograms will be acquired and installed in clinics. In addition, Minsal is working on the preparation of the National Cancer Plan, which is expected to be presented in November, to implement it immediately.

It aims to strengthen human resources, that is to say to increase the number of oncologists in this country. in Chile, have more equipment and records. "In Chile, there is no general population register listing all existing cancers, and we are working to update this data, improve the recordings to get clear information about what is happening in each region. we can intervene with different types of strategies to reduce the incidence of these cancers, detect them in time and treat them accordingly when they are installed, "said Sergio Becerra.

The Minister Santelices added that in this government-promoted digital hospital plays a fundamental role, as the "mammography cell" will allow specialists to inform and review the examinations carried out in n any part of the country. "There we will not have geographical barriers because the exam will be done by this doctor from a distance," he said.

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