Candidates vying for the presidency of Mexico – Latin America – International


More than 83 million people will choose between the continuity of power of the traditional right or the 'incursion of' change 'as promoted in the streets.

After an election tainted by the badbadination of at least 133 politicians, next Sunday will be defined the name of the agent who will hold the reins of Mexico for six years.

According to polls, leftist Andres Manuel López Obrador intends to vote with 20 points over his closest Contador, Ricardo Anaya, of the National Action Party (PAN ).

In third place appears the candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Jose Antonio Meade, and in the last one, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, known under the name of Bronco.

The new president will have the task of reducing the levels of poverty and the high rates of violence in Mexico. These are the profiles of the aspirants at the National Palace.

Ricardo Anaya: the young candidate

  Ricardo Anaya

The candidate Anaya is part of a coalition between left and right parties.

years ago, he ran for election by the National Action Party (PAN), which entered into a coalition with the leftist party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

Anaya was Deputy Secretary of Tourism Planning of the Federal Government's Tourism Department in 2011. In addition, in 2012, he was in the Parliament of Mexico as a deputy, representing the State of Queretaro. He was also president of his party in 2015.

The PAN and PRD candidate is in favor of reducing the tax burden of companies in order to encourage them: " It was good to increase taxes for businessmen, what we need is that the economy grow "he said during an election campaign

Anaya , who proclaims Emmanuel Macron (President of France) of Mexico, is the one who sympathizes the most As said El TIEMPO Luis González, publisher of the newspaper El Economista de México

"For many people, the Ideal would be the continuity of some things without weighing down the pottery that implies the PRI.For the businessman who thinks like this, Anaya represents a fair way, "he explains.

According to Sabino Bastidas, professor at the Autonomous University of Mexico (Unam), the problem of Anaya is that it has not consolidated the current president, Enrique Peña Nieto.

"The inexperience is not what condemns Anaya (…), condemns him for not being able to direct a clearer criticism of the government of Peña Nieto ", he said.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador: a leftist of austere politics

  López Obrador

López Obrador has already been nominated for the presidential elections of 2006 and 2012.


Reuters / Edgard Garrido [19659021] This is the third consecutive opportunity in which Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Amlo), 64, seeks the presidency of Mexico. The leftist had already been a candidate in 2006 and in 2012. The first time, he was proclaimed "legitimate president", after not having acknowledged his defeat against Felipe Calderón, who preceded him by 243,934 votes

. from Mexico City in the year 2000. One of his proposals is austerity in his cabinet: promises to lower the salary of his government team and even his own . Leftist politician, stigmatized trend in Latin America, López Obrador is the most favorably to win the elections of tomorrow. "His stigma is more of a social fighter, who has nothing to do with guerrilla warfare." Amlo's left is a leftist who seeks social justice without falling into the extremes of d & # 39; A totalitarian left "says EL TEMEMPO, director of the Mitofsky polling firm, Roy Campos

. López Obrador proposes to fight against high rates of violence from a pedagogical work. "The model that the PRI and NAP have implemented in the fight against organized crime has been a very policing vision, while Amlo seeks to address the social side of crime prevention," Sabino Bastidas said. , professor. of Political Theory at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Jose Antonio Meade: The Continuity of Peña Nieto

  Jose Antonio Meade

Jose Antonio Meade says that with the current President from Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, "they have made the best reforms for decades."

According to polls, Jose Antonio Meade ranks third in the electoral race. The economist and lawyer who launched his candidacy for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was Secretary of Foreign Affairs in 2012, Secretary of Social Development in 2015 and 2016, Secretary of Finance and Public Credit.

Gender equity is your flag in these elections. Meade promises "that men and women receive a salary equivalent to work, without inequality ."

Meade seeks to defend the reforms made in the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto, which he describes as "the most important that has been done in Mexico for decades." " By a big difference, Meade is the one who knows best how the government machine works in the economic part Luis González, editor of the newspaper El Economista de México

However, the burden of the stigma that comes with being part of the PRI undermines its chances of succeeding tomorrow. "The PRI was in a position that the candidate was destined to lose. Then Meade had to row against the current of this fate. It was bad for him to campaign for a rejected party, "said Roy Campos, director of the polling firm Mitofsky


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