Capital Magazine | Scania forest reforestation in truck


Environmental awareness is a strong trend that is beginning to be present in trucking. The Swedish house Scania has launched in Chile, its native forest, an initiative that aims to reforest with native species, an area near Pelequen. The proposal is simple: for every truck or bus chbadis sold, the brand plants a tree.

The field is fragrant at Rancho San Luis de Pelequén. About 500 meters above the employer's home, on the slopes of the hills, a group of children plant trees. They are trees of the zone, native species: Quillay, Liter, Maitén, Quebracho, Huingán and Espino. Each of these trees represents a truck or bus chbadis sold in Chile. The expectations look good: according to the brand, this forest will capture 1,206 tonnes of CO2 in 20 years, which is equivalent to the emissions produced by a car that makes 185 trips around the world.

The Pelequén Forest is a sustainable development program that Scania maintains globally. Reducing CO2 emissions, increasing efficiency, generating training and increasing safety are the goals that Scania is pursuing from different angles, including working with people in the region to reforest.

Green Integration

Developing their forest, Scania worked with a NGO Cultiva which, since 2000, has been working with individuals and businesses on projects, reforestation programs and environmental education. In addition, the Municipality of Malloa and the ranch of San Luis have participated, the place where will grow native trees planted.

"We are driving the transformation of transportation to a much friendlier environment with the environment.Our sustainability program is a commitment that we are acquiring responsibly, with concrete actions that we are able to capture. CO2 generated by our products, "said Sebastián Figueroa, Managing Director of Scania Chile.

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