captures the exact moment of the explosion of a meteor (PHOTOS, VIDEO)


British photographer Nick Jackson filmed the precise moment when a meteor exploded into the night sky over Clun Castle in the west of England.

Images were taken on October 20 during the meteor shower. the orionids. This spectacular annual event takes place as the Earth's orbit crosses the remains left by Halley's comet. Upon entering the earth's atmosphere, these remains become meteors.

In total, 30 photos of the event, put together in a video, show how the celestial body falls and explodes suddenly, leaving an impressive flash of light that fades into the sky

A moment incredible for a meteor explodes in the night sky up to the 13th century castle

– The News Amed (@thenewsamed) October 26, 2018

"You must be in the right place at the right time," said the author of the images, quoted by Daily Mail, according to which "it is very unusual to see a meteorite so big."

"At first glance, everything is finished in an instant, we only see a ray of light and a light signal, and then it disappears," Jackson explained, adding that the camera was, however, able to capture "all the details" of the event.

The photographer confessed that he was "obsessed with the beauty" of the sky and "your peace and tranquility". "When you see something like that, it's just inspiring."

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