Carabiner in plain clothes assault on bencinera in Conchalí – National


A civilian civilian couple frustrates Bencinera's attack in Conchalí

Troops acted with their weapons when a group of three offenders intimidated the station's firefighters. One fled, while the other two were injured, just like one of the policemen. Tvn


A rifleman and two criminals were injured in the middle of an badault on a service station in the district of Conchalí.

The incident took place at the intersection of Presidente Eduardo Frei and Monterrey Streets, around 8:30 pm. The security cameras recorded how three people arrived on board a vehicle posing as customers, but then they went down armed and intimidated the local fire department.

While they were searching their pockets, the troops of a security team began to act. Conchalí's SIP, which was doing just prior work because of the large number of crimes in the area.

It was there when the first Corporal José Castillo Rivas, managed to give ballistic impacts to two of the subjects. The men were arrested and sent back to the emergency of the San José Hospital, where they remain with a confidential diagnosis.

Meanwhile, the uniform was taken to the hospital 's establishment without serious injury.


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