Carabinero in plain clothes storms and kills one of Pudahuel's subjects – National


Carabinero of civilians frustrates the badault and kills one of the subjects in Pudahuel

The incident occurred while the money was in his vehicle . Of the other three members of the band, one was injured by the officer's weapon, which resulted in no injury. Tvn


After 20:00 on Wednesday, a French carabinier who bought gas in his vehicle in the town of Pudahuel He ended up killing the # 39, one of four subjects who tried to attack him.

The fact, developed at the intersection of the streets of San Martín with Dagoberto Godoy, took place when the policeman left his post and dressed in civilian clothes. He himself denounced that "under the foregoing circumstances, in circumstances that drove his private car, he was struck by another car (without a license plate) from which came down four subjects. "

  Murderous killers slaughtered by the owner of commercial premises badaulted in Pudahuel