Caravan of Hondurans in the United States and Mexico


President Donald Trump once again used the caravan of migrants for electoral purposes. The president complained Monday morning in a tweet that "the Mexican army and police are not able to stop " the Central Americans heading to the southern border.

tried to instill fear by stating that there are next to the migrants "criminals", a charge that has been made in recent days without a test. But this Monday, he said in his message that, alongside the Central Americans there are "foreigners of the Middle East", which suggests that the inhabitants of this part of the world are dangerous.

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Whenever you see a caravan or people coming illegally or attempting to enter our country illegally, think of the Democrats and do not accuse them of giving us the votes to change our Pathetic Immigration Remember the Laws So Unfair to Those Who Enter

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) 22 October 2018

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Trump added: "I have alerted the Border Patrol and the Army that this is a national emergency The laws should change. "

The president sent two more tweets. In the second, he spoke directly about the upcoming elections.

"Whenever you see a caravan, or people who come illegally, or try to illegally enter our country, think and accuse the Democrats of not having delivered us." Votes to change our pathetic immigration laws ! Remember the mid-term elections! So unfair to those who enter legally. "

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Whenever you see a caravan or a people If you arrive or illegally enter our country illegally, think of the Democrats and reprove them for not granting us the right to vote to change our pathetic immigration laws! mid-way! So unfair to those who come in.

– Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2018

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"Guatemala, Honduras As and El Salvador have not been able to stop people leaving their country and coming to the United States illegally. We are now going to eliminate or greatly reduce the mbadive help we give them regularly, "said the President.

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Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador do not have the right to do so. could not prevent people from leaving their country and illegally entering the US We will now start cutting,

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) on the 22 October 2018

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This article explains how the president tried to exploit the immigration for electoral purposes.

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