Caval: The landfills of Natalia Compagnon after being "delivered" by her former partner Mauricio Valero


The relationship between Natalia Companion and her former partner Mauricio Valero is definitely broken for a while and this is confirmed by the closing arguments of the case Caval which is unfolds before the Oral Court in Criminal Matters of Rancagua

Last Friday, Valero stated that he and the daughter-in-law of former President Michelle Bachelet were aware of the existence [of false invoices. And this Monday, in the same court, it is the turn of the wife of Sebastián Dávalos to answer these accusations

In his statement, Companion accuses his former partner of seeking an agreement with the prosecutor's office for your own convenience. "I learned that he was in talks with the prosecution to generate some kind of convenient statement, which he offered to the prosecutor (Emiliano) Arias, where he told him:" Dis me what I declare and I sign it for you. "

For his defense, the daughter-in-law of ex-president Michelle Bachelet insists that she" "Never saw the allegedly false invoices" and that she could have acted with "negligence in her actions, but never volunteered ". " I have never had the intention to defraud the Treasury" says about this process due to the controversial purchase and sale of land in Machalí in 2015.

Also, he complains that " was abused from my family relationships to extend this whole process which, I'm sure, would have ended in a year instead of a year. to be here three and a half years, "referring to his political kinship with Bachelet

.In addition, the pleadings of the prosecution correspond, in addition to the plaintiffs such as the State Defense Council (CDE) and the Internal Revenue Service.

The oral trial took place 4 weeks ago, and the Crown is seeking 4-year sentences for Companion and 8 for Valero, it is expected that this week there will be a conviction or an acquittal.

Mate also faces another flank, with the opening of an investigation for a serial e of crimes badociated with the Law on Intellectual Property as a result of the copy of the reports Cochilco that were sold to the businessman Gonzalo Vial Concha. In this corner, O. Higgins' regional attorney, Emiliano Arias, has made a request to formalize Companion, Valero and Sebastian Dávalos Bachelet, which will materialize this Friday.

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