CBD, the main component of marijuana, could be legalized as a nutritional supplement


The Mexican government might consider that one of the major components of marijuana, CBD, is on the list of nutritional supplements

although in Mexico the use of marijuana in As long as therapeutic drug was legalized in April 2017, The Battle of its users continues to completely legalize the use of marijuana in any method, including for recreational purposes. Now we have begun to consider changing the perspective we have on one of its major components: the CBD .

The CBD better known as Cannabidiol main component of the cannabis plant accounting for 40% of its total composition. CBD has been considered a chemical that has several medicinal uses, since it is the component of marijuana that helps in the treatment of epilepsy Hepatitis C [19659004] Anxiety Schizophrenia and apparently many other conditions

This is possible because the chemical has a sedative effect, as well as an inhibitor of the transmission of Nerve signal commonly badociated with pain.

It should be noted that CBD is not a psychoactive element . That is to say that the hallucinogenic effect that marijuana may have does not come from this compound, but from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). This is the substance that makes marijuana an addictive product.

The Standardization of the CBD

The federal government is now considering the creation of a medical marijuana program that, if initiated, would change the clbadification of marijuana. cannabidiol at a level comparable to that found in vitamins and minerals that are commonly promoted as dietary supplements.

  Medical Marijuana "title =" Medical Marijuana "src =" https://media.metrolatam.com/2018/07/ 10 / cannabisninos-994d5a0cce6d417c5318ece1c2a0f9cc.jpg "/>

<p> This means that the compound could be used in any marketable product, regardless of its purpose. According to Forbes magazine, <strong> Mexico would become the first country in the world to clbadify CBD in this way </strong> </p>
<p>  <strong> Raúl Elizalde </strong> President of <strong> HempMeds Latin America </strong> badures that CBD should be considered as a complement and not a harmful drug. As a subsidiary of <strong> Medical Marijuana </strong> the only company allowed to import these products into Mexico, Elizalde focused on changing the perception of marijuana among the general public. 19659003] According to Elizalde, <strong> the occasional use of marijuana is not risky </strong> since a patient who requires medical marijuana consumes on average <strong> 60 mg </strong> <strong>  per day, </strong> Studies have shown that there is no risk up to <strong> after the 250 mg consumed per kilogram of weight </strong> of each patient. In other words, excessive marijuana use can cause health damage. But the same could be said of alcohol or tobacco </p>
<p>  Whatever happens, it is part of the broader argument, the total legalization of marijuana in Mexico. The fact that we begin to consider the normalization of one of its major components can be the step that leads to the goal of many. </p>
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