CELAC and the European Union plead for closer ties of cooperation


Photo: Prensa Latina

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the European Union (EU) underlined the desire to continue to strengthen cooperation for to defend common interests and promote sustainable development. La Paz

This was stated by the head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador, Carlos Castaneda, whose country holds the presidency pro tempore of Celac, at its inauguration on Monday in Brussels the second ministerial meeting between the two regional blocks.

Before the senior representatives of the 33 member countries of Celac and the 28 of the EU, Castaneda emphasized the conclave as "an area of ​​great importance to strengthen the ties of friendship and friendship. cooperation between the two regions. "

According to the Chancellor, the two-day meeting will focus on dialogue on" the fundamental issues of the bi-regional and global agenda, in which we want to have a positive impact. "

For the future, Castaneda advocated leading initiatives towards such challenges as promoting peace, security and sustainable development, increasing development cooperation promoting fair trade, securing employment quality for all, defending gender equality, among others.

"These are very big challenges, but we are convinced that with the interest we have, we can achieve these achievements for the future. ,

For his part, the head of European diplomacy said that in a changing and convulsive international context, "the EU and Celac are closer than ever (…), we are on the same side. " [19659004] The Italian diplomat pointed out coincidences between the two organizations, such as the principle that "to deal with international conflicts, only diplomacy and international cooperation agree", as well as the defense of the United Nations system United Nations

also emphasized the common interests that "no one should be left behind, no sustainable development without social justice and we must leave a better world than we have".

Mogherini He mentioned the interest of promoting cooperation in various fields such as the environment, trade, energy, culture, education, research , among others.

"We believe that our badociation is destined to remain and to be more and more profound," he said, and cataloged the meeting as an opportunity to discuss the steps to be taken in order to define the plan. Action, that "we do together, as partners and friends."

the blocks are expected to publish a joint statement.

In photos, the meeting

Photo : Prensa Latina.

Photo: Prensa Latina.

Photo: Prensa Latina.

(With informative Ación de Prensa Latina)

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