Celac ratifies Bolivia's pro tempore presidency for 2019 | news


The 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States ( Celac ) supported on Monday the candidacy of Bolivia to the interim presidency of the Organization in 2019.

In a statement, the Bolivian Foreign Ministry reported that Foreign Minister Fernando Huanacuni and Deputy Foreign Minister Carmen Almendras met the Quartet of Ministers Celac will discuss the work program for the next meeting of Foreign Ministers.

He explained that during the first day of the meeting they discussed the consolidation of multilateralism and the strengthening of cooperation in global forums. address the rules-based world order, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

>> Celac and the EU launch the second meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels

They also discussed the global drug policy of 2019, the Global Compact on Migration, Common Challenges and Ways of Implementing the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development

From Brussels the Foreign Ministers discussed "building bridges and strengthening our badociation to face the global challenges, "quoted the document from the Bolivian entity. highlights the climate of diplomatic cordiality with Spain

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