CEO of WDC: "Chile is a more mature market for technology and many business sectors"


20 years ago The Internet of Things (IOT) was a little-known concept of the media and the technology community. And it was only in 1999 that Kevin Ashton, pioneer of British technology coined the term that is used today to refer to a world in which everything, or virtually everything, will be connected to the Internet, discard information in real time to make better decisions.

Listening to global trends 15 years ago, the founder of WDC Networks, Vanderlei Rigatieri, was convinced that the future of the world and communications would be ] wireless that is to say without it being necessary to connect them to a fiber optic cable. And part of the time was right, because at the moment, mobile phones and Wi-Fi connections are essential for the communications of people and communities.

"After a long period of selling optical broadband fiber optic cable, data network (network) and cloud computing infrastructure, we had the impression that the market was evolving towards IOT technology. in 2015, the IOT really started and we started to have appliances, cars, energy systems, heating, TVs, connected to a network, but not even in commercial areas, "says Rigatieri in an interview with La Nación held at the Congress on Technology Futurecom 2018 held recently in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

As last December in Brazil, it was impossible to find specialized suppliers of IOT, ] "Then came the idea to open a WDC store, but not to sell, but to do so that our customers can feel the experience of what can be done from the IOT ", reports the executive.

[1965] 19659002] For society, the important thing was to make known, to spread in the media, "because we spoke of IOT but that there was no real perception of what it was today, we already have IOT in the agribusiness, in automation, in medicine. "

With about 1,200 Internet providers offering Services in more than 5,600 Brazilian cities, Rigatieri points out that the growth of the WDC is now exponential. two major companies: Internet service providers (ISPs) and electronic security, including cameras, recorders, alarms, etc., all devices belonging to the IOT universe.


"Chile is still a point off the curve, it's a more mature market, for technology and for many areas of activity. Currently, the situation is bad in Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, and the perception of the value of IOT devices is that they are expensive and can not be acquired, "observes the executive.

In Chile, observes that there is a concentration in some cities and that this benefits the company, while "in Brazil, we are 5,600 cities and 400 more cities So, what happens is that it's a big market, the rent is lower and education levels too ". This suggests, however, that when he is already actively working with the extensive network of installers, this will facilitate access and reduce costs.

During these 15 years, the WDC has gone to renew its product portfolio, consistent with the adaptation of new technologies. "Basically, we have three things that will generate giant growth: we have a wonderful ISP market, with a lot of investment and we sell more than 8,000 kilometers of optical fiber per month here. In addition, we have a corporate market for which we are proposing a different proposition from the competition, namely the sale of technology as a service, and finally there is the Internet market of objects in the retail sector, which, as we see, has steadily grown, "he said.

With projected growth for 2018 from 60% to 70%, the last 5 In recent years, average growth has been close to 30%. This Brazilian company expects an annual sale of 360 million reais in the coming years to reach a trillion dollars. "To achieve this goal, we are soon opening offices in Latin America, Colombia, Miami, Mexico and Chile, although the market is mature, we can take up the challenge."


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