Chavista announces scandalous solution to the transport crisis in the country


Amid jokes, Félix Jaramillo, spokesman for the National Assembly of Transport Workers, announced an absurd "national scoop" meant to solve the public transport crisis affecting most Venezuelans.

Redacción Venezuela Al Día

In an interview on the TV program of Vladimir Villegas, Jaramillo said that he had an idea, already researched and planned for the "sustainability part". It would be the bicycle as a means of transport in the face of the scarcity of traditional vehicles, those that can cover more than two dozen pbadengers.

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In countries such as the United States and Chile, which are supposed to offer a free service, they are already using this type of transport that can carry between 4 and 9 pbadengers. What he forgot to mention, is that the bicycle as a transport service is generally applied for tourism or related activities, not to solve a crisis of great importance as the Venezuelan

"By example, from Plaza Venezuela to Chacaíto and everyone has pedals., which serves as caloric, "he said, laughing at short routes that this two-wheeled taxi service would have.

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