Cheap Cell Phones Could Have Pre-Installed Spyware


Diego Ojeda /@diegoojeda95.

A cybersecurity company has revealed that some smartphone manufacturers have already installed malicious programs to collect data from users and sell it to third parties;

On Friday, the cybersecurity company, Kaspersky Lab announced that its research had allowed it to identify some smart phone manufacturers who, prior to marketing the products, pre-installed in the devices a "malware", a program that has the ability to infiltrate and display advertising without the user being able to avoid them, or even collect personal data.

The company explains that the manufacturers install these programs in the system / application folder, or in / system / priv-app (privileged application), location on the device Android which prevents the 39 user to uninstall the "malware".

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Kaspersky states that the reasons he believes that manufacturers are doing this is because "flood" the advertising customer through their device, or collect their data to sell to third parties, they represent that extra income that allows them to market their products at a lower price .

But here the disclosures do not end, the company Cybersecurity also released the names of some brands in which they identified this behavior.

In the Marks ZTE Archos Prestige and myPhone found a preinstalled trojan that allows criminals to introduce advertisements in the system d & rsquo; # 39; s operating. On the other hand, in the devices BLU and OnePlus spy programs were found that are responsible for collecting personal and sensitive information, data that is sent to the servers of the manufacturers.

"It is to attract the attention that most of the manufacturers we mentioned appear as verified partners on the official website of Android; this means that the pre-installation of malicious software is an increasingly common practice, so you can not trust the honor of a known manufacturer, "says Kaspersky

. This finding is due to the fact that every day phones get to store more personal information about their users, which is why security should be on the list of requirements to be considered by buyers when choosing a model on the market.

How to avoid being a victim of this threat?

Inside the recommendations of this company we find I study very well the mark of the device before acquiring for that they suggest that you review the comments that other users make on the Internet and be vigilant if you consider one that claims to have identified a pre-installed malware.

On the other hand, they suggest suspect the price of the computer "if something seems too good to be true, do not trust," they say, explaining that this may be an indication that the manufacturer is engaging in questionable practices.

Finally, they will comment that verifies the state of verification of the device ] that is to say that it has been approved by Google, is a good practice.This does not completely guarantee that the device does not have preinstalled malware, however, it reduces the chances that this will happen produce.

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