Children trapped in Thailand: What is Elon Musk's plan to save children from Tham Luang Cave?


  Elon Musk

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Elon Musk believes that an air tunnel could be the key to rescue.

The 12 teenage football players and their coach trapped in a flooded cave in northern Thailand since June 23 brought a new hero to the rescue: multimillionaire entrepreneur and electric car builder Elon Musk .

the release of the 13, which could take several months, turns out extremely difficult, especially because of the shortage of oxygen.

In the early hours of this Friday a 38 year old diver who was working with the Thai Navy and who tried to help them by bringing them oxygen and provisions, and died when they went back to the surface.

  • A diver dies in the rescue operations of children trapped in a cave in Thailand who died carrying oxygen to children trapped in a cave in Thailand

But Musk believes that he has a plan that can work . The American magnate has offered his services to the authorities of the Asian country via his official Twitter account.

"I suspect the Thai government has the situation under control, but I will be happy to help if there is a way to do it."

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Thai children trapped seem healthy in a new video

Underwater Tunnel

Musk's plan is as follows : insert a nylon tube the cave and fill it with air "like an inflatable castle" to create an underwater tunnel

Musk said his company The Boring Company, a company of Excavation and infrastructure that he founded in 2016 and with which He intends to conquer the basement, "he has an advanced sounding radar and is very good at digging Holes."

"Maybe it's worth trying: insert a one-meter nylon tube or with shorter tubes for more difficult sections) through the cave network and inflate it with air, "he suggested.

"This should create an underwater air tunnel against the ceiling of the cave Save @elonmusk's Twitter post number

Maybe worth trying: insert a tube Nylon 1 m in diameter (or a shorter set of tubes for the more difficult sections)) through the network of caves and inflate with air like an inflatable castle.Should create a tunnel under the Water against the roof of the cave and conform to odd shapes like the 70cm hole

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 6, 2018

End of @elonmusk's publication number [19659021] In addition, a cabinet spokesman said: "We are holding talks with the Thai government to see how we can help, and we will send people from Space X and The Boring Company of the United States to Thailand. for offer field support . "

" Once we confirm what will be most useful to send or do, we will do so, we receive information and advice from those present in Chiang Rai, "the spokesman added.

Musk also said that he could provide fully loaded Powerpacks (energy storage devices) and (hydraulic) pumps, to help the country's authorities, The situation of trapped children can be complicated because caves are generally flooded during the rainy season of the monsoon which begins in June and lasts until the end of September or October. The emptying of water would be one of the priority tasks.

The Tham Luang Cave, where the children are, is the fourth longest in Thailand . The group was caught after a flash flood

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The rescue efforts could last for weeks or even months.

James Yenbamroong, founder and executive director of Thai satellite telecommunications company Mu Space Corp – which offers high-speed Internet services in rural areas of the country – said that the team of SpaceX the aerospace transport company of Musk, contacted them on Thursday "so that they will help them to establish links with the Thai government."

According to a report by Bloomberg it does not have any effect on it. is not clear at the moment if the Thai authorities have accepted Musk's offer

. The cave is aged between 11 and 16 years and its trainer, 25. At present, their health conditions look good, although some pictures show them a little disoriented [1]. 9659007] The exit is full of obstacles and the group is about 4 km from the entrance to the cave.

Still we do not know where or when the rescue will take place.

  • The distress race against time to save the children trapped in a cave in Thailand before the return of the rains

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