Chile announced its support to Duque to reactivate the peace dialogue with the ELN


The Government of Chile supports the position of President Ivan Duque, at the request of the ELN guerrilla to reactivate the peace dialogues.

Duke in He repeatedly stated that this subversive group had to put an end to all types of criminal activities and release all the hostages that he held.

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In this sense, the Chilean chancellor, Roberto Ampuero, after his meeting with his Colombian counterpart, Carlos Holmes Trujillo García, also authorized a [ verified cessation of violence by international guarantors.

"We support the leadership of President Iván Duque regarding negotiations with the National Liberation Army (ELN), where there is President Duque demanded that for these negotiations to have instead, all hostages are released and violence ceases in parallel, which is a verified end of the violence. "

Chile approved the measures adopted by Duque in the framework of the bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trujillo García, at the IV meeting of the Committee on Political and Social Affairs.

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Also according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs " In this framework, the two authorities reviewed the most important issues of the bilateral agenda, noting the great political harmony and the excellent level of relations between the two countries. "[19659002] However, after this meeting, it became clear that President Iván Duque will lead a official visit to Chile in the first quarter of 2019 as confirmed by Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo García .

It should be remembered that several days ago, Pablo Beltrán, The Chief Negotiator of the National Liberation Army (ELN) badured that the government does not have a government. had no desire to continue the dialogues and put an end to the conflict with this guerrilla.

By video, Beltrán badured that "] Ni Uribe, nor Duque, and of course, nor Trump have the will to change so that society is better, and they are not willing to reconcile, "he said.

According to Pablo Beltrán, if President Iván Duque continues "By replicating Trump's instructions, he will obtain resistance from the Colombian people and we will accompany him," he said.

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