Chile arrives in Chile new home delivery application focused on speed of delivery | Society


A new home delivery application was installed in Chile to compete with Uber Eats and Cornershop. This is Rappi a Colombian company that is also present in Mexico and Brazil.

The area of ​​coverage during the white march begins in Santiago, in the municipalities of Providencia, Las Condes and Vitacura,

Rappi seeks to differentiate itself from its competitors by focusing on the speed of deliveries, with an average of 35 minutes to restaurants and liquor stores.

Home deliveries can be supermarket merchandise, restaurants, pharmacies, botillerías, kiosks and gourmet shops, valued at $ 1,400 for restaurant deliveries and $ 2,100 at supermarkets.

Restaurants, market and home medicine in minutes | Rappi

Request addresses to restaurants like El Corral, farmatodo medications, hit market or carulla .. All your food at home in a few minutes!

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