CHILE / Classic controversy after the social housing project in a high class area


Joaquin Lavín Mayor of the municipality of Las Condes in Santiago de Chile proposed the construction of a building to provide social housing. However, the location of the construction aroused controversy on the part of the inhabitants of one of the richest areas of Santiago, because of the profile of the potential inhabitants of said building.

This generated a reactivation in the debate about the clbadism and the marked social inequality [VIDEO] in that country. It is thus that the construction of a 15-storey building and 83 apartments that would offer a housing opportunity for people with limited resources in an affluent area of ​​Santiago, is impossible before the social differences.

Different opinions

The growing controversy sparked by the project, Mayor Lavin pointed out that the idea is to achieve a change in the paradigm of housing policy in Chile . In this regard, Alejandro Pozo, one of the neighboring protesters said that it is possible to move people from one place to another, even one day at the same time. Another, but that will not change their behavior, habits and customs, that is, to change the way you live. Well, in a pejorative way, he concludes by saying that "we are going to have clothes hanging everywhere."

Opponents to the social project, point out that their homes might suffer from a weak added value after the construction of the building and that is an important aspect to consider. Another spokesman for the protesters, Alejandra Alonso, said Chile was not yet ready for the final inclusion, to mobilize people from one side to the other.

He also said that in Las Condes there was an excess of population.

For his part, Jose Antonio Kast former candidate for the presidency of Chile and representative of the far right, said that poverty [19659003] is not a toy for a populist politician to leave and use it at will, the exhibitor in a showcase, taking advantage to obtain it.

Government support

Lavín's social proposal was unanimously approved and approved by the city council despite criticism of the "affected" neighbors. This stage will allow the presentation of the project on July 31st. From the national government, the project was also supported, as reported Cristián Monckeberg Minister of Housing of the South Country. The head of the housing portfolio said that in Chile there is a serious housing policy and that "integration is not populism". He said that Chile should move towards better integration, stating that "it is a reality, a necessity."

Experts Speak

This case has brought to light the "encapsulation" of Chilean society, said the sociologist. Mireya Valdebenito specialist in the sociology of consumption. He emphasized that in Chile it is a priority to bind equals, regardless of social clbad, observing decreasing mobility between different social clbades. This has generated isolation of all clbades, leading to a "significant impoverishment of social life" and cultural diversity, all out of fear of the different. The expert emphasized that this individualism develops gradually and is reflected at all levels: social, educational and trade union.

For his part, the architect Sebastian Gray professor at the Catholic University, said that This is not an experiment invented by Mayor Lavín, he simply resumed a traditional situation which, for political and economic reasons, had been interrupted, but it was quite normal in Chile.

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  • /noticias/nacional/region-metropolitana/2018/07/10/del-fa-a-la-udi-autoridades-respaldan-proyecto-de-viviendas-sociales-de-lavin.shtml

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